


HKW1 系列智能万能式压断路器适用于交流50Hz,额定电压至690V及以下,额定电流400A-6300A的配电网络中,用来分配电能和保护线路及电源设备免受过载, 欠电压、短路、单相接地等故障的危害。断路器具有智能化保护功能,选择性保护精确,能提高供电可靠性,避免不必要的停电。同时带有开放式通讯接口,可进行四遥,以满足集制中心和自动化系统的要求。

  • 产品详情
  • 主要参数
  • 原理
  • 接线图
  • 外形尺寸、安装尺寸




HKW1 系列智能万能式压断路器适用于交流50Hz,额定电压至690V及以下,额定电流400A-6300A的配电网络中,用来分配电能和保护线路及电源设备免受过载, 欠电压、短路、单相接地等故障的危害。断路器具有智能化保护功能,选择性保护精确,能提高供电可靠性,避免不必要的停电。同时带有开放式通讯接口,可进行四遥,以满足集制中心和自动化系统的要求。该断路器在海拔2000米时脉冲耐压8000V(不同海拔按标准修正,最多不超过12000V)。该断路棒、不带智能脱扣器及传感器可作隔离器用,标示为。__/___断路器符合GB14048.2<<低压开关设备和控制设备低压断路器>>和IEC947-2 <<低压开关设备和控制设备断路器>>等标准。

Main parameters of plastic case circuit breaker:

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器适用范围1

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器适用范围2

The working principle of intelligent universal circuit breaker:

1. Intelligent universal circuit breaker is in three-dimensional arrangement. The left and right side plates of contact system and instantaneous overcurrent tripper are all installed on an insulating board.

2. The upper part is equipped with arc extinguishing system. The operation mechanism can be installed in front or right side, with "split" and "close" instructions and manual disconnection buttons.

3. The upper left part is equipped with a shunt tripper, and the back part is equipped with an undervoltage tripper connected with the half-shaft of the tripping.

4. The speed-saturated current transformer or current-voltage converter is sleeved on the lower bus.

5. Undervoltage delay devices, thermal relays or semiconductor trippers can be installed below.

6. HKW 15-1000, 1600, 2500 and 4000 circuit breakers are three-dimensional layout. They are composed of chassis, side plate and cross beam. Each phase contact system is installed on the chassis and arc extinguishing chamber is installed on it.

7. The operating mechanism is in front of the right of the circuit breaker and is connected with the contact system through the spindle.

8. The electric operating mechanism is connected with the mechanism through a square axis and is installed at the lower part of the circuit breaker as the energy storage or direct closure of the circuit breaker. The closure of the energy storage is undertaken by the release electromagnet.

9. Anti-jump mechanism is installed above the left panel to prevent the circuit breaker from bouncing when it is disconnected.

10. Various over-current trippers are installed under circuit breakers according to different requirements. Under-voltage, excitation trippers and electric operation control parts are installed on the left side. Among them, under-voltage and excitation trippers are connected with amplifier through trippers to reduce the tripping force of circuit breakers.

11 and 12 pairs of auxiliary contacts are used to connect the secondary circuit. On the panel, there are signs "1", "0" and "energy storage" indicating the working position of the circuit breaker, and buttons "1" and "0" for closing and opening.

12. HKW 15-1000 and 1600 circuit breakers are equipped with front manual operation handles.

13. HKW 15-2500 and 4000 are equipped with manual operation handles for maintenance (all can be removed).


Intelligent Universal Circuit Breaker


Intelligent Universal Circuit Breaker 2


Intelligent universal circuit breaker 3


Intelligent universal circuit breaker 4

Shape size and installation dimension of intelligent universal circuit breaker:

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器适用范围3

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器外形及安装尺寸图

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器外形及安装尺寸图2

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器外形及安装尺寸图3

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器外形及安装尺寸图4

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器外形及安装尺寸图5

  • HKW1智能型万能式断路器外形及安装尺寸图6

热点资讯: 塑壳断路器系列 塑壳断路器的选用及安装 塑壳断路器发展 塑壳断路器选型